The SAT is similar to the ACT but is scored differently and does not include a science section. It is not provided by the school district like the ACT was, so students need to sign up on their own at the www.collegeboard.com. The last SAT test of the school year takes place on June 5th and the deadline to register is May 5th. There is still a chance to sign up for those juniors who haven’t yet.
Advanced Placement (AP) tests are also just around the corner. They start next week and continue through mid May depending on what subject you are taking. Most AP classes have been using the past few weeks to review everything that they have learned throughout the year in preparation for the challenging AP exams. If you get a high enough score on the exam, some colleges will replace it with class credit and you won’t have to take that class in college.
Ultimately, the purpose of taking the SAT, ACT or AP exams is to better your chances of getting into a good college. Although it might not sound like a good use of your time at the moment, in the long-run it will be worth the extra effort.